
This page provides a detailed list of all PHP extensions included in our Docker image. You can use this as a reference to understand the image’s capabilities and manage dependencies effectively.


Name Version
Core 8.4.5
date 8.4.5
libxml 8.4.5
openssl 8.4.5
pcre 8.4.5
sqlite3 8.4.5
zlib 8.4.5
ctype 8.4.5
curl 8.4.5
dom 20031129
fileinfo 8.4.5
filter 8.4.5
hash 8.4.5
iconv 8.4.5
json 8.4.5
mbstring 8.4.5
SPL 8.4.5
session 8.4.5
PDO 8.4.5
pdo_sqlite 8.4.5
standard 8.4.5
posix 8.4.5
random 8.4.5
readline 8.4.5
Reflection 8.4.5
Phar 8.4.5
SimpleXML 8.4.5
tokenizer 8.4.5
xml 8.4.5
xmlreader 8.4.5
xmlwriter 8.4.5
mysqlnd mysqlnd 8.4.5
bcmath 8.4.5
igbinary 3.2.16
intl 8.4.5
pcntl 8.4.5
pdo_mysql 8.4.5
pdo_pgsql 8.4.5
redis 6.1.0
sodium 8.4.5
swoole 6.0.1
zip 1.22.5


Name Version
Core 8.3.19
date 8.3.19
libxml 8.3.19
openssl 8.3.19
pcre 8.3.19
sqlite3 8.3.19
zlib 8.3.19
ctype 8.3.19
curl 8.3.19
dom 20031129
fileinfo 8.3.19
filter 8.3.19
hash 8.3.19
iconv 8.3.19
json 8.3.19
mbstring 8.3.19
SPL 8.3.19
session 8.3.19
PDO 8.3.19
pdo_sqlite 8.3.19
standard 8.3.19
posix 8.3.19
random 8.3.19
readline 8.3.19
Reflection 8.3.19
Phar 8.3.19
SimpleXML 8.3.19
tokenizer 8.3.19
xml 8.3.19
xmlreader 8.3.19
xmlwriter 8.3.19
mysqlnd mysqlnd 8.3.19
bcmath 8.3.19
igbinary 3.2.16
intl 8.3.19
pcntl 8.3.19
pdo_mysql 8.3.19
pdo_pgsql 8.3.19
redis 6.1.0
sodium 8.3.19
swoole 6.0.1
zip 1.22.3


Name Version
Core 8.2.28
date 8.2.28
libxml 8.2.28
openssl 8.2.28
pcre 8.2.28
sqlite3 8.2.28
zlib 8.2.28
ctype 8.2.28
curl 8.2.28
dom 20031129
fileinfo 8.2.28
filter 8.2.28
hash 8.2.28
iconv 8.2.28
json 8.2.28
mbstring 8.2.28
SPL 8.2.28
session 8.2.28
PDO 8.2.28
pdo_sqlite 8.2.28
standard 8.2.28
posix 8.2.28
random 8.2.28
readline 8.2.28
Reflection 8.2.28
Phar 8.2.28
SimpleXML 8.2.28
tokenizer 8.2.28
xml 8.2.28
xmlreader 8.2.28
xmlwriter 8.2.28
mysqlnd mysqlnd 8.2.28
bcmath 8.2.28
igbinary 3.2.16
intl 8.2.28
pcntl 8.2.28
pdo_mysql 8.2.28
pdo_pgsql 8.2.28
redis 6.1.0
sodium 8.2.28
swoole 6.0.1
zip 1.21.1


Name Version
Core 8.1.32
date 8.1.32
libxml 8.1.32
openssl 8.1.32
pcre 8.1.32
sqlite3 8.1.32
zlib 8.1.32
ctype 8.1.32
curl 8.1.32
dom 20031129
fileinfo 8.1.32
filter 8.1.32
ftp 8.1.32
hash 8.1.32
iconv 8.1.32
json 8.1.32
mbstring 8.1.32
SPL 8.1.32
session 8.1.32
PDO 8.1.32
pdo_sqlite 8.1.32
standard 8.1.32
posix 8.1.32
readline 8.1.32
Reflection 8.1.32
Phar 8.1.32
SimpleXML 8.1.32
tokenizer 8.1.32
xml 8.1.32
xmlreader 8.1.32
xmlwriter 8.1.32
mysqlnd mysqlnd 8.1.32
bcmath 8.1.32
igbinary 3.2.16
intl 8.1.32
pcntl 8.1.32
pdo_mysql 8.1.32
pdo_pgsql 8.1.32
redis 6.1.0
sodium 8.1.32
swoole 6.0.1
zip 1.19.5